
I am Happylan and this is my attempt at a blog.

I am a wife, a mother, and a movie-lover.

I live in a house (an average-sized house) in the country, with my awesome husband, Joe, and our two awesome kids, Little W (4) and Lula (18 months). Life is, well, awesome. Or should that be well-awesome? Either way, I am smiling.

I want to write more often. This blog is supposed to facilitate that.ย  You can read more about who I am and my reasons for starting this blog here; in my second post, although that was a while ago, and I guess I’m happier with myself these days, because I sound a bit snarky there. Although I still get snarky from time-to-time of course. In fact, when I was fifteen, I was in a class production of ‘The Hunting of the Snark.”

Hmm… I am the queen of tangents, as in ‘going-off on them’ not the queen of tangents in a mathematical sense. I didn’t really enjoy algebra, one of the many reasons I hate having those dreams where I am actually still in high school.

The content of this blog will probably be as wide and as varied as the interests I hold. That is to say very. One minute it’ll be all kids, love and Mount Dishmore, the next it will be my newfound love for a fictional character, a review of the latest movie I have seen or what is next on my meaningless, consumer-driven wishlist. But as they say, variety is the spice of life. Or something.

10 responses to “About

  1. #gtdenny

    I love that poem as well. Your post and bio are charming. Keep up the good work.

  2. Oh my god, you and I are going to get along splendidly. Mainly because of the rambling. But also because of the movie-loving and the high school play. I have a snarky side too, though she doesn’t come out to play too often. And I really llike the word awesome, I use it a lot, and ooooh SQUIRREL!

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