12/12/12 – Grateful for an ordinary day


On Wednesday I decided to play along with Our Little Sins on Instagram to take 12 photos during the day in honour of the date being 12/12/12. Starting at 7:12 am, I took a photo every hour until I had twelve photos. By about the third photo I was realising that I may not have picked the most interesting day to document. It was a very boring, quiet, stay-at-home day actually.

But there is method to my mundanity! You see, I knew the next day we were headed to the shops – which at this time of year can be a recipe for disaster with a preschooler and a toddler. So by having a perfectly ordinary day the day before I  I figured I was reducing the chance of tantrums and trials by a significant amount. And apart from a little medicare whinging (and really who could blame them), the shopping trip was smooth sailing.

And for that I am very, very grateful.

Linking up with Maxabella Loves for 52 Weeks of Grateful


With Some Grace for FYBF


6 responses to “12/12/12 – Grateful for an ordinary day

  1. I love stay-at-home do nothing days. I need more! And I do the same trick, stay home when there’s a big day coming up! It works! 🙂 xx

    • It does work doesn’t it Elisa? I’m lucky to have the luxury of being able to plan a nothing day before a big one. xx

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